4 Reasons to Consider Corporate CCTV Solutions for Your Business

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  • 4 Reasons to Consider Corporate CCTV Solutions for Your Business

When owning and running a business, it should be one of your primary objectives to create and maintain a thriving work environment for your employees. There are many ways to achieve such a feat. If you are looking for an answer to comprehensive corporate CCTV solutions in South Africa, Katlego Solutions is your first choice. Today, we look at 4 reasons to consider video surveillance solutions for your business.

  • Workplace Safety

Workplace safety is one of the largest concerns in a modern workplace. Whether you need to keep your employees safe from external threats or protected against workplace incidents, corporate CCTV solutions can be an answer to both.

By discouraging any criminal activity, video surveillance cameras can ensure that the external area of your workplace is under constant surveillance. Internal video surveillance cameras can be used to identify potentially dangerous situations and areas within industrial and commercial workspaces where you can implement various health and safety regulations to avoid workplace incidents.

  • Optimised Business Processes

Corporate CCTV solutions can go beyond mere surveillance functionality. These solutions can be used to observe and analyse various business processes. This allows you to identify areas of improvement – saving valuable time and money during various operations and processes. It can also be used to identify any weak links throughout product manufacturing, quality control, and other applicable processes.

  • Vehicle Identification

Your corporate CCTV solutions can be upgraded with ANPR. This system allows your video surveillance system to identify vehicles of interest that are approaching your facility or premises. This can be useful, as ANPR utilises various algorithms and machine learning patterns to accurately identify vehicles and alert you correspondingly. Therefore, if a suspicious vehicle approaches your premises, you will be alerted to take the necessary precautions before letting it enter.

  • Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Implementations

Since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, there are several health and safety precautions that cannot be ignored anymore. We can deliver additional corporate CCTV solutions that allow you to take temperature scans of people entering your facility, keep count of how many people are in your facility at any given time, and allow you to isolate any threat accordingly.

Katlego Solutions is your first choice when it comes to professional corporate CCTV solutions for your business in South Africa. Please browse our website for a complete rundown on our available video surveillance solutions. Feel free to contact us directly as well if you have any enquiries on how we can assist your business.

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